Genealogy news archive 2006 'The Dutch Connection' formerly known as 'All in the family'

The database contains information on some 5000 related, most of them German Catholic ancestors from the Emsland. A lot of farmers among them. "Related" is defined as being able to click your way through the database from one person to another. So I use a much broader definition here than the common one of blood relationship. This is more fun on the world wide web. The database look 'n feel is different from my homepage. That's a choice. It's because I choose to add my database to the much bigger and more well known database of Rootsweb Worldconnect. So, I'm just adding content, I don't do the web design (unfortunately, Rootsweb could use some pimpin' up:-)). Big advantage of the choice is that my data can easily be found by users searching in the bigger database. Please try yourself: you can search just my database, but the whole of including my database as well. Besides that I choose just to publish data of deceased.
Update database, project All in the family finished!
Hendrik Bolk sent some information on the Franke family. Thanks Hendrik! The genealogy database has 5008 records now. So, I can finish this All in the family project. Some years ago I started publishing some of my father's work. I enjoyed some experimenting on databases on the internet and especially the communication on the subject. Thanks a lot for your contributions. Please keep on checking any data I published. Ofcourse I'd be glad to hear from you in case any information I published might be wrong. Please stop sending me information on people who are not in my database already. Time to stop this project, time to start another!
RSS I started a weblog at
So you can read the latest news on All in the family in your newsfeed reader. You don't have an RSS reader yet? There're a lot, I like Bloglines, please see to get a free account.
You don't want RSS? You can keep on reading the news at my homepage. But, then you never know when there is any news. I'll put the news both on my homepage and my weblog. The choice is yours.
Harvesting the Genealogy Archive in Meppen, Germany
Links to cemeteries and comments
I added links to and cemeteries, so you can check sources and read the tombstone inscription. Example BERNDSEN, Franziska. Damiansville Cemetery
From now on I use the comments field to share my doubts. I could use some help here. Examples: Adelheid Ahlers and Thecla
Handing Down Names legenda
Hans den Braber says the first daughter usually was named after mother's mother. I did a bit research on this: I think the first daughter was named after father's mother, the second daughter after mothers' mother. Read more...
Update "All in the Family"
Hermann Kappen: thanks for the information on de Adams/Geiling family. Conclusion: Adam was not an ancestor of mine, here's the evidence:-) Let's see... A sister named Maria Elisabeth WüBKER of an ancestor of mine named Helena Adelheid WüBKES was married to a descendant of this Adam named Gerhard Hermann KAPPEN.

The database counter shows 4951 related persons. Will I ever reach the magic limit of 5000? That's not a goal however. I'm still trying to fill the circle diagram with 8 generations of ancestors. Another visit to the genealogy centre in Meppen has been planned to find the missing links. I read the 1750 Status Animarum and my father's notes he made at the Osnabrück archive. The Lengerich and Freren area is not in the Status Animarum, but it is in the notes. I hope you enjoy the quality improving effect of this research for the database. To do some data checking is alway good, but the notes also contained some extra information on baptism witnesses f.e.
The Rootsweb upload report to explicit my choices
Cutoff year 1907 Processing GEDCOM file Individuals: 6411 Families: 2462 Attempting to approx dates for 1190 individuals Unable to approx birth dates for 6 individuals 0 individuals removed, 0 marked as living Marking descendants of living as living Alive 1393 Removing living Cleaning Marriages Remove notes from All Remove sources from Living Converting to year only for None Message for living: I try not to publish information on living people. Excuse me in case anything might have gone wrong here. If so, please let me know. Thanks in advance. Outputting 2055 Families Total Individuals: 6411 Alive: 1416 Removed: 1416
Handing Down Names
I was triggered by a statement on the internet saying the first daughter was named after her mother's father. So I started this little research project on handing down names to find out about the Catholic Emsland customs. And quess what?
Conclusion: The first daughter usually was named after her father's mother, the second often after her mother's mother. We're talking about regional Catholic customs here. That's all I can conclude at the moment. I could add codes to more people in the database to get more proof. There are a lot of questions left: are the customs the same in the same area? Most people in my database were living in the German Emsland. Did religion influence the customs? Most people in my database were Catholics. Did the customs change in time? How do deceased grandmothers, aunts, sisters influence the customs? How do second marriages influence the customs?
My research method: First I made the following legenda. Than I selected a group of 32 female ancestors with known parents and grandparents. In 18 cases I thought them to be the first or second daughter in the family. I had my doubts however now and then. Than I added the right code to each of them. At last I could select people having the same code.
LegendaA= x-th daughter in the family (number)
B= x-th marriage of mother (number)
C= x-th marriage of father (number)
D= named after : 1=mother's side 2=father's side 3=both
E= relation child - named after person: 1=grandmother 2=great grandmother 3=aunt 4=mother
F= aunt is x=th daughter in case E=3 (=number)
G= was named after person still alive when child was born? 1=yes 2=no
H=baptise witnesses: 1=witness with the same first name as child 2=not same name 3=witnesses unknown
Example my code is A=2 B=1 C=1 D=2 E=3 F=1 G=1 meaning I was my parent's second daughter and was named after my father's eldest sister. My elder sister was named after both grandmothers, because both of them were called Margaretha. By the way, the same happened to my eldest brother; he was named after both grandfathers, as both were called Bernard:-)
Using a code instead of writing each indvidual story makes it easier to select all people in the database with the same story. But... I met several problems: It's hard to tell if a daughter was the first or second daughter if you don't know all children in that family. How can you ever be sure you didn't mis anybody? One child families were rare, can you be sure you know all children if you found 2, 5, 10? I even got a problem with several twins; born on the same day it's hard to say who was the eldest!
Anyway, I got the following results in my group of 32 women:
3 second daughters 1) One only had one known elder sibling who was named after father's mother, she herself was named after mother's mother.
2) My mother was named after her mother's mother, her elder sister after their father's mother.
3) I was named after my father's eldest sister, as I mentioned before.
2 of the 15 first daughters were named after mother's mother
1) I'm not sure one of those 2 really was the eldest daughter. I only found 2 elder brothers. Having "only" 3 Kids was not common in those days.
2) I don't know when the other one's grandmother died, it is possible a deseased grandmother got some priority to name a grandchild after her.
8 Of the 15 first daughters were named after their father's side:
1) In one case it's the father's second marrige, his first marriage lasted for 9 years, the first daughter in his second marriage was named after his youngest sister, being the third aunt.
2) 7 first daughters were named after father's mother.

ancestor records containing Handing Down Names codes You can see my research on the web, except for the living. The following ancestors do have HANDING DOWN NAMES codes in their comments field. The hyperlink links to the above explanation. The ancestors are shown in the circle diagram as well.

Maria Anna Gabina ARENS
"Sophia" Catharina (Christina) BERNARDUS KERCKHOFF
Maria "Gesina" BöLLE
Margaretha (Griete) BUTER
Maria Helena CRAMER
Maria "Gesina" EVERS
Anna Margaretha FELIX
Anna Angela FISCHER
Anna Angela Catharina FISCHER
Maria Elisabeth GEPKEN
Anna Gesina "Aleidis" HAAR
Angela (Anglia) HEYERS
Maria "Elisabeth" KRüSHELL
Anna Maria "Gebina" LEGEDöER
Maria "Helena" SCHRöER
Anna Maria (Adelheid) SCHWIETERS
Anna Adelheid THIE
Anna "Christina" THOLEN (TOLE)
Anna Margaretha WESSELS
"Helena" Adelheid WILCKEN
Anna Grietje (Grietje, Eite, Margaretha) WILKEN
Anna "Maria" WILMES
Margaretha Maria WüBBEN
Helena Adelheid WüBKES
Laatste wijziging: 27-06-2021
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