Generated by PRO-GEN Submitted by Unknown Encoding ANSEL GEDCOM version in file 5.5 GEDCOM version assumed 5.5 Analysis time 0 seconds to analyse the file (excluding upload time) Speed 1126 records per second Lines 5002 Number of lines in the GEDCOM file Records 480 Number of records Warnings 9 Total number of warning messages User-defined 0 Number of lines with user-defined tags Individuals 290 Number of individuals in the GEDCOM file Males 169 Number of males Females 121 Number of females Other 0 Families 187 Number of families Marriages 69 Number of marriages Places 466 Number of places mentioned (not necessarily unique) Source records 0 Number of source records *** Line 5: Tag WWW is not allowed under CORP *** Line 11: Note that the de facto standard GEDCOM version is version 5.5.1 *** Line 14: Mandatory tag NAME not found under SUBM *** Line 15: Tag EMAIL is not allowed under SUBM *** Line 3649: Tag RFN is not allowed under FAM *** Line 3656: Tag RFN is not allowed under FAM *** Line 3667: Tag RFN is not allowed under FAM *** Line 3678: Tag RFN is not allowed under FAM *** Line 3689: Tag RFN is not allowed under FAM