Example say you're searching for an Ameln-Wilken couple, try drop down menu Plaats 1-90b: Achternaam Plaats (=lot number 1-90b: sorted by surname lotnumber), there's no Ameln there. 
Then you look for Wilken in this drop down menu, as you can see there were 2 Wilken families, at plot 68 and plot 86.
Let's try the Wilkens of plot 68. Plot 68 was owned successively by a Mandes, Wilken, Albers, Stevens and Bentlage.
There's no info on the Mandes family, but there is on JA Wilken and descendants. Scroll... and there she is; Elisabeth Wilken married Johann Bernard Ameln from lot 37.
This was the info we were searching for. You could continue your search, using the navigation right arrow to the next page, use the same drop down menu to go to Wilken at plot 86, try another drop down menu, f.e. the Lindloh inhabitants not owning a plot, one drop down menu sorted by a couples male half, one of the female half. You wouldn't find Elisabeth Wilken in a drop down menu, as she didn't own any land, her parents did.

Then you look for Wilken in this drop down menu, as you can see there were 2 Wilken families, at plot 68 and plot 86.

Let's try the Wilkens of plot 68. Plot 68 was owned successively by a Mandes, Wilken, Albers, Stevens and Bentlage.

There's no info on the Mandes family, but there is on JA Wilken and descendants. Scroll... and there she is; Elisabeth Wilken married Johann Bernard Ameln from lot 37.

This was the info we were searching for. You could continue your search, using the navigation right arrow to the next page, use the same drop down menu to go to Wilken at plot 86, try another drop down menu, f.e. the Lindloh inhabitants not owning a plot, one drop down menu sorted by a couples male half, one of the female half. You wouldn't find Elisabeth Wilken in a drop down menu, as she didn't own any land, her parents did.