Barger-Compascuum Plaatselijk FamilieBoek | OrtsFamilienBuch | Local Heritage Book
Stats based on entries: 2018-01-20: 4498 individuals, 448 unique places, 4341/4498 people with known place of birth
Database updated: 25-02-2020: 6.942 individuals
Contact: Pauline Berens
Home Page: Collectie Broer Berens Barger-Compascuum
Iedereen in m'n stamboombestand geboren, gewoond, getrouwd en/of overleden in Barger-Compascuum, Emmen, Nederland, inclusief ouders, partner(s), kinderen en schoonzoons/-dochters, exclusief levenden. Meer info...
Abbemühlen, Meppen, Germany 4
Achterhorn, Emlichheim, Germany 1
Adorf, Twist, Germany 16
Ahlen, Kluse, Germany 2
Alexisdorf, Ringe, Germany 2
Altenberge, Haren (Ems), Germany 49
Alteveer, Stadskanaal, Netherlands 11
Altharen, Haren (Ems), Germany 24
Amsterdam, Netherlands 2
Amsterdamscheveld, Emmen, Netherlands 25
Andervenne, Freren, Germany 5
Angelslo, Emmen, Netherlands 1
Angelsloo, Emmen, Netherlands 1
Anloo, Aa en Hunze, Netherlands 4
Aschendorf, Germany 3
Assen, Netherlands 9
Avereest, Hardenberg, Netherlands 6
Baccum, Lingen, Germany 1
Backemude, Meppen, Germany 2
Ballast, Coevorden, Netherlands 1
Barenfleer, Haren (Ems), Germany 4
Barger-Compascuum, Emmen, Netherlands 1233
Barger-Oosterveen, Emmen, Netherlands 13
Barger-Oosterveld, Emmen, Netherlands 80
Barmen, Wuppertal, Germany 1
Barnflair, Ter Apel, Netherlands 1
Bathorner Siedlung, Hoogstede, Duitsland 1
Bathorner Siedlung, Hoogstede, Germany 1
Bawinkel, Germany 2
Beckhusen, Kluse, Germany 2
Beilen, Midden-Drenthe, Netherlands 1
Beilen, Netherlands 1
Bellingwolde, Bellingwedde, Netherlands 1
Bellingwolde, Netherlands 1
Berge, Emsbüren, Germany 3
Bergh, Montferland, Netherlands 3
Bergham, Meppen, Germany 2
Berghofen, Dordmund, Germany 1
Bersede, Haren (Ems), Germany 14
Beverwijk, Netherlands 2
Biene, Lingen, Germany 1
Binnenborg, Neuenhaus, Germany 1
Blauwhuis, Súdwest-Fryslân, Netherlands 1
Bockhorst, Germany 1
Bolsward, Súdwest-Fryslân, Netherlands 1
Bonnerveen, Aa en Hunze, Netherlands 1
Bookhof, Herzlake, Germany 5
Boornsterhem, Netherlands 1
Borger, Borger-Odoorn, Netherlands 5
Börger, Germany 2
Borger, Netherlands 1
Borger-Odoorn, Netherlands 3
Bourtange, Netherlands 1
Bovensmilde, Midden-Drenthe, Netherlands 1
Boxtel, Netherlands 1
Braamberg, Stadskanaal, Netherlands 2
Braamberg, Vlagtwedde, Netherlands 3
Bramsche, Lingen, Germany 1
Brielle, Netherlands 1
Brochterbeck, Tecklenburg, Germany 1
Brögbern, Lingen, Germany 1
Brual, Rhede, Germany 1
Brunssum, Netherlands 1
Buinerveen, Borger, Netherlands 1
Burgsteinfurt, Germany 1
Canada 1
Chelmsko, Poland 1
Chicago, Illinois, USA 1
Clinton County, Illinois, USA 5
Coevorden, Netherlands 15
Dalen, Coevorden, Netherlands 24
Dalerveen, Coevorden, Netherlands 6
Dankern, Haren (Ems), Germany 43
Darme, Schepsdorf, Lingen, Germany 1
De Loo, Coevorden, Netherlands 1
De Maten, Emmen, Netherlands 1
De Maten, Vlagtwedde, Netherlands 34
Dedemsvaart, Hardenberg, Netherlands 2
Dedemsvaart, Netherlands 2
Delden, Hof van Twente, Netherlands 1
Deldorf, Haren (Ems), Germany 4
Delft, Netherlands 2
Denekamp, Dinkelland, Netherlands 3
Deurne, Netherlands 1
Deventer, Netherlands 3
Diever, Westerveld, Netherlands 1
Diphoorn, Coevorden, Netherlands 1
Doornspijk, Elburg, Netherlands 1
Dörgen, Germany 1
Dörpen, Germany 1
Drope, Gersten, Germany 2
Düne, Haren (Ems), Germany 8
Düneburg, Haren (Ems), Germany 10
Düthe, Fresenburg, Germany 1
Dwingeloo, Westerveld, Netherlands 1
Eenrum, De Marne, Netherlands 1
Eext, Aa en Hunze, Netherlands 1
Eindhoven, Netherlands 3
Einhaus, Geeste, Germany 1
Eisten, Sögel, Germany 1
Elbergen, Emsbüren, Germany 1
Elten, Emmerich, Germany 6
Emen, Haren (Ems), Germany 1
Emlichheim, Germany 6
Emmeln, Haren (Ems), Germany 3
Emmen, Netherlands 127
Emmer- Erfscheidenveen, Emmen, Netherlands 4
Emmer-Compascuum, Emmen, Netherlands 67
Emmer-Erfscheidenveen, Emmen, Netherlands 2
EmmerCompascuum, Emmen, Netherlands 1
Emmererfscheidenveen, Emmen, Netherlands 1
Emmerrunde, Emmen, Netherlands 2
Emmerschans, Emmen, Netherlands 7
Emsbüren, Emsland, Germany 1
Emsbüren, Germany 1
Enschede, Netherlands 2
Erica, Emmen, Netherlands 39
Erm, Coevorden, Netherlands 1
Eschendorf, Hopsten, Germany 1
Exloërmond, Borger-Odoorn, Netherlands 6
Exloërveen, Borger-Odoorn, Netherlands 37
Exloo, Borger-Odoorn, Netherlands 3
Ferwerderadeel, Netherlands 1
Forest Grove, Jamestown Twp, Michigan, USA 1
Franeker, Netherlands 3
Freren, Germany 1
Fresenburg, Germany 1
Fullen, Meppen, Germany 3
Gaast, Súdwest-Fryslân, Netherlands 1
Gasselte, Netherlands 2
Gees, Coevorden, Netherlands 1
Geest, Haren (Ems), Germany 9
Geeste, Germany 2
Gelsenkirchen, Germany 1
Gelshof, Haselünne, Germany 1
Georgsdorf, Bentheim, Germany 4
Georgsdorf, Germany 1
Geringhausen, Freren, Germany 2
Germantown, Clinton County, Illinois, USA 2
Germany 7
Gersten, Germany 1
Gieten, Netherlands 1
Glen Ullin, North Dakota, USA 1
Glencoe, Minnesota, USA 1
Goirle, Netherlands 1
Görlitz, Germany 1
Grafeld, Berge, Germany 1 
Gramsbergen, Gramsbergen, Netherlands 1
Gramsbergen, Hardenberg, Netherlands 1
Gramsbergen Hardenberg, Netherlands 1
Grandville, Kent, Michigan, USA 1
Grasdorf, Neuenhaus, Germany 1
Grolloo, Aa en Hunze, Netherlands 1
Groningen, Netherlands 7
Gross Fullen, Meppen, Germany 20
Gross Hesepe, Geeste, Germany 2
Grossringe, Ringe, Germany 1
Grosswolderfeld, Leer, Germany 1
Haar, Haren (Ems), Germany 31
Haarlem, Netherlands 1
Haarlemmermeer, Netherlands 1
Halsteren, Bergen op Zoom, Netherlands 1
Hamm, Haselünne, Germany 1
Harbrinkhoek, Tubbergen, Netherlands 1
Hardenberg, Netherlands 8
Haren, Haren (Ems), Germany 23
Haren (Ems), Germany 5
Haselünne, Germany 2
Hasselt, Bedburg-Hau, Germany 1
Hattem, Netherlands 1
Haulerwijk, Ooststellingwerf, Netherlands 1
Hebel, Haren (Ems), Germany 4
Hebelermeer, Twist, Germany 305
Hebelermeer. Twist, Germany 1
Heede, Dörpen, Germany 4
Heerlen, Netherlands 2
Helte, Meppen, Germany 1
Hemsen, Meppen, Germany 7
Herbrum, Papenburg, Germany 1
Herzlake, Germany 2
Hesepe, Nordhorn, Germany 1
Hesepertwist, Twist, Germany 17
Hilter, Lathen, Germany 2
Hitzum, Franekeradeel, Netherlands 1
Höfte, Stadskanaal, Netherlands 1
Hollen, Uplengen, Germany 1
Holte, Lähden, Germany 2
Holthausen, Meppen, Germany 1
Holthe, Midden-Drenthe, Netherlands 2
Hoogersmilde, Midden-Drenthe, Netherlands 1
Hoogeveen, Netherlands 5
Horst, Horst aan de Maas, Netherlands 2
Hörstel, Germany 1
Horsten, Stadskanaal, Netherlands 36
Horsten, Vlagtwedde, Netherlands 10
Huden, Haselünne, Germany 1
Hülsen, Haselünne, Germany 1
Hüntel, Meppen, Germany 6
Idaarderadeel, Netherlands 1
IJsselmuiden, Kampen, Netherlands 1
Illinois, USA 1
Jamestown, Ottawa Michagan, USA 1
Jefferson City, Missouri, USA 1
Jipsingboermussel, Vlagtwedde, Netherlands 2
Junkern Beel, Lathen, Germany 2
Kaarst, Germany 1
Kathen, Lathen, Germany 3
Kerkenveld, De Wolden, Netherlands 1
Klazienaveen, Emmen, Netherlands 21
Klein Berssen, Sögel, Germany 2
Klein Fullen, Meppen, Germany 10
Klein Hesepe, Geeste, Germany 5
Klein Stavern, Sögel, Germany 10
Kleinemeer, Hoogezand-Sappemeer, Netherlands 1
Kleinringe, Ringe, Germany 2
Kloosterburen, Netherlands 1
Kloosterveen, Assen, Netherlands 5
Klosterholte, Haselünne, Germany 1
Kommerzijl, Zuidhorn, Netherlands 1
Krüssel, Haren (Ems), Germany 9
Laar, Lower Saxony, Germany 3
Lahn, Werlte, Germany 1
Landegge, Haren (Ems), Germany 8
Langen, Lengerich, Germany 9
Langenberg, Haren (Ems), Germany 4
Langeveen, Tubbergen, Netherlands 2
Lathen, Germany 14
Laudermarke, Vlagtwedde, Netherlands 2
Laxten, Lingen, Germany 1
Leek, Netherlands 2
Lengerich, Germany 6
Lindloh, Haren (Ems), Germany 191
Lingen, Germany 3
Lohne, Schepsdorf, Germany 1
Lorup, Germany 3
Losser, Netherlands 1
Lotten, Haselünne, Germany 1
Louisiana, USA 1
Luik, Belgium 1
Lünen, Unna, Germany 1
Maastricht, Netherlands 3
Mars, Coevorden, Netherlands 2
Marum, Netherlands 1
Mecklenburg-West Pomerania, Germany 1
Meerlo, Horst aan de Maas, Netherlands 1
Melstrup, Fresenburg, Germany 1
Meppel, Netherlands 1
Meppen, Coevorden, Netherlands 1
Meppen, Germany 13
Michigan, USA 1
Middelstum, Loppersum, Netherlands 1
Mijdrecht, Netherlands 1
Minnesota, USA 5
Missouri, USA 1
Munnekemoer, Vlagtwedde, Netherlands 3
Munnikemoer, Vlagtwedde, Netherlands 1
Münster, Germany 2
Munsterscheveld, Emmen, Netherlands 21
Mussel, Stadskanaal, Netherlands 20
Musselkanaal, Stadskanaal, Netherlands 5
Netherlands 1
Neu Versen, Meppen, Germany 10
Neudersum, Dersum, Germany 4
Neudörpen, Dörpen, Germany 1
Neuenhaus, Germany 2
Neurhede, Rhede, Germany 2
Neuringe, Twist, Germany 5
Neusustrum, Sustrum, Germany 5
Niederlangen, Germany 5
Nieuw-Amsterdam, Emmen, Netherlands 17
Nieuw-Buinen, Borger-Odoorn, Netherlands 5
Nieuw-Dordrecht, Emmen, Netherlands 51
Nieuw-Schoonebeek, Emmen, Netherlands 31
Nieuw-Weerdinge, Emmen, Netherlands 2
Nieuwe Pekela, Pekel, Netherlands 7
Nieuwe Pekela, Pekela, Netherlands 1
Nieuweroord, Hoogeveen, Netherlands 1
Nieuwolda, Oldambt, Netherlands 1
Nijland, Súdwest-Fryslân, Netherlands 1
Nödike, Meppen, Germany 2
Noord-Sleen, Coevorden, Netherlands 6
Noordbarge, Emmen, Netherlands 2
Noordlaren, Haren, Netherlands 1
Noordsleen, Coevorden, Netherlands 2
Norg, Noordenveld, Netherlands 3
Norgervaart, Noordenveld, Netherlands 1
Oberlangen, Germany 7
Ochtrup, Germany 1
Odessa, Ukraine 5
Odoorn, Borger-Odoorn, Netherlands 32
Odoorn, Netherlands 2
Ohio, USA 1
Oldenburg, Germany 2
Ommen, Netherlands 1
Ommerlanderwijk, Veendam, Netherlands 1
Onstwedde, Netherlands 11
Oomsberg, Stadskanaal, Germany 1
Oomsberg, Stadskanaal, Netherlands 3
Oostellingswerf, Netherlands 1
Oosterhesselen, Coevorden, Netherlands 1
Ooststellingswerf, Netherlands 2
Ooststellingwerf, Netherlands 4
Ootmarsum, Dinkelland, Netherlands 1
Opsterland, Netherlands 1
Oranjedorp, Emmen, Netherlands 7
Orvelte, Netherlands 1
Ostenwalde, Werlte, Germany 1
Osterbrock, Geeste, Germany 2
Ottawa, Michigan, USA 1
Ottenhausen, Steinheim, Germany 1
Oude Pekela, Pekel, Netherlands 6
Overberge, Bergkamen, Germany 1
Papenburg, Germany 3
Pekela, Netherlands 2
Pelkum, Hamm, Germany 1
Pikveld, Coevorden, Netherlands 1
Princenhage, Breda, Netherlands 1
Provinzialmoor, Twist, Germany 1
Quincy, Adams County, Illinois, USA 1
Raalte, Netherlands 1
Rauwerderhem, Netherlands 1
Recke, Germany 1
Rhaude, Rhauderfehn, Germany 1
Riesenbeck, Hörstel, Germany 1
Rockville, Stearns, Minnesota, USA 2
Roden, Noordenveld, Netherlands 1
Roswinkel, Emmen, Netherlands 40
Roswinkelermarke, Emmen, Netherlands 1
Roswinkelerveen, Emmen, Netherlands 1
Rotterdam, Netherlands 2
Rühle, Meppen, Germany 7
Rühlertwist, Twist, Germany 21
Rütenbrock, Haren (Ems), Germany 132
Sankt Mauritz, Münster, Germany 3
Sappemeer, Hoogezand-Sappemeer, Netherlands 1
Schapen, Germany 1
Scheerhorn, Hoogstede, Germany 1
Schijndel, Meierijstad, Netherlands 2
Schildwolde, Slochteren, Netherlands 1
Schleipe, Germany 1
Schöninghsdorf, Twist, Germany 32
Schoonebeek, Emmen, Netherlands 8
Schoonebeekerveld, Netherlands 1
Schoonloo, Aa en Hunze, Netherlands 1
Schoonoord, Midden-Drenthe, Netherlands 1
Schwartenberg, Haren (Ems), Germany 70
Schwefingen, Meppen, Germany 2
Schwerin an der Warthe, Poland 2
Segberg, Haren (Ems), Germany 1
Sellingen, Vlagtwedde, Netherlands 1
Sellingerbeetse, Vlagtwedde, Netherlands 5
Sellingerbeetse, Westerwolde, Netherlands 2
Sentrup, Münster, Germany 1
Slaapstreek, Borger-Odoorn, Netherlands 1
Slagharen, Hardenberg, Netherlands 34
Slaharen, Hardenberg, Netherlands 1
Sleen, Coevorden, Netherlands 8
Sleen,Coevorden, Netherlands 1
Smilde, Midden-Drenthe, Netherlands 19
Sögel, Germany 2
Spaarndam, Netherlands 1
Stadskanaal, Netherlands 5
Stapelmoor, Weener, Germany 1
Steenwijkerwold, Steenwijkerland, Netherlands 1
Steenwijksmoer, Coevorden, Netherlands 3
Steinbild, Kluse, Germany 2
Strijp, Eindhoven, Netherlands 1
Strücklingen, Saterland, Germany 2
Styrum, Mühlheim an der Ruhr, Germany 1
Sustrum, Germany 2
Taos, Missouri, USA 2
Teglingen, Meppen, Germany 1
Ter Apel, Netherlands 4
Ter Apel, Vlagtwedde, Netherlands 12
Ter Apelkanaal, Vlagtwedde, Netherlands 15
Ter Haar, Vlagtwedde, Netherlands 1
Terwispel, Opsterland, Netherlands 1
The Hague, Netherlands 4
Thuine, Freren, Germany 1
Tiel, Netherlands 1
Tietjerkstradeel, Netherlands 1
Tinnen, Haren (Ems), Germany 8
Tubbergen, Netherlands 2
Tuntel, Meppen, Germany 12
Twist, Germany 8
Ubbergen, Berg en Dal, Netherlands 1
Uebermühlen, Meppen, Germany 1
Uelsen, Bentheim, Germany 1
Uithuizen, Netherlands 2
Ukraine 1
Urmond, Stein, Netherlands 1
Uteringeradeel, Boornsterhem, Netherlands 1
Valthe, Borger-Odoorn, Netherlands 1
Valthermond, Borger-Odoorn, Netherlands 44
Varloh, Geeste, Germany 1
Veendam, Netherlands 5
Veenhuizen, Noordenveld, Netherlands 1
Veldhausen, Neuenhaus, Germany 3
Versen, Meppen, Germany 16
Vlagtwedde, Netherlands 10
Vlijmen, Heusden, Netherlands 1
Vossebelt, Coevorden, Netherlands 2
Vossebelt, Coevorden 1
Vrees, Werlte, Germany 1
Vriezenveen, Twenterand, Netherlands 2
Wachendorf, Lingen, Germany 2
Wahn, Lathen, Germany 4
Walchum, Germany 4
Waldhöfe, Sögel, Germany 1
Weerdinge, Emmen, Netherlands 6
Weerdingermarke, Emmen, Netherlands 1
Weerdingermarke, Nieuw-Weerdinge, Emmen, Netherlan 5
Weerdingerveen, Emmen, Netherlands 1
Weerselo, Dinkelland, Netherlands 1
Wehm, Werlte, Germany 1
Weiteveen, Emmen, Netherlands 1
Werlte, Germany 3
Wessum, Ahaus, Germany 1
Westenesch, Emmen, Netherlands 1
Westerbork, Midden-Drenthe, Netherlands 1
Westerbroek, Hoogezand-Sappemeer, Netherlands 2
Westrhauderfehn, Rhauderfehn, Germany 1
Wesuwe, Haren (Ems), Germany 38
Wesuwer Brook, Haren (Ems), Germany 3
Wesuwer Moor, Lower Saxony, Germany 4
Wieresch, Haren (Ems), Germany 4
Wietmarschen, Bentheim, Germany 4
Wijnjeterp, Opsterland, Netherlands 1
Wildervank, Netherlands 1
Wildervank, Veendam, Netherlands 1
Wilhelmsoord. Emmen, Netherlands 1
Wilsum, Netherlands 1
Winsum, Littenseradeel, Netherlands 1
Winterswijk, Netherlands 1
Wippingen, Germany 2
Witmarsum, Súdwest-Fryslân, Netherlands 1
Wolvega, Netherlands 1
Wonseradeel, Netherlands 1
Workum, Netherlands 1
Zandberg, Borger-Odoorn, Netherlands 34
Zeijerveen, Assen, Netherlands 1
Zeist, Netherlands 1
Zuidbarge, Emmen, Netherlands 1
Zuidwolde, De Wolden, Netherlands 1
Zutphen, Ottawa, Michigan, USA 1
Zwartemeer, Emmen, Netherlands 232
Zweeloo, Coevorden, Netherlands 2
Zwolle, Netherlands 4